
          	lmao just spontaneously updated after almost a year, sorry about that
          	two new chapters for Underneath the Skin, as well as The Warrior with Wings and i plan on updating for UtS again tonight
          	look at me being productive for once!


          lmao just spontaneously updated after almost a year, sorry about that
          two new chapters for Underneath the Skin, as well as The Warrior with Wings and i plan on updating for UtS again tonight
          look at me being productive for once!


happy holidays everyone! 
          i know that i’ve been extremely inconsistent with my writing this past year, but my goal for the end of this year is to try and update a lot of my published works. sorry that this year has been so slow when it comes to posting stuff, i hope that this next year i can come up with the motivation to write more for all of you lovely readers! thank you for the patience!


Hey love! I was just wondering if monster inside is almost finished? Im excited to read but just want to wait until its fully finished:)


i honestly don’t know. i had an idea to finish it after season four and start a second book with season five and onwards, but i don’t know how to play that out