Age: 13

Nicknames: Jimmy

Personality: Weird, Goofy, Funny, Brave, Mostly Creative, Shy, has low self-esteem, Loyal, friendly, believes in Justice and Equality for everyone (Not trying to be a d*ck for making myself seem cool, cuz i'm not)

Favorite Videogame series: Fallout, Halo, Assassin's creed, Elder Scrolls, Megaman, Mortal Kombat, Castlevania, Doom, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and Five Nights at Freddy's.

Favorite TV shows: South Park (My favorite favorite), Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, Futurama, and The Simpsons.

Jobs I want to have when I grow up: YouTuber, Videogame Designer.

Home Sate: Washington. (Not D.C)

Favorite Movie Series: Star Wars.

Date of Birth: October 5th, 2001

Preference of gaming console: Xbox 360, Xbox One (It's not as bad as everyone says)

Favorite band: Daft Punk.

Grade: 7th.

Interests: Creepypasta, Videogames, Writing, Comics.

Marvel or DC? Marvel (Most of the time.)

Favorite YouTubers: Pewdiepie (Duh), Markiplier (Again, Duh), The Game Theorists, VenturianTale, Nicob, Nigahiga, Game Grumps (My Favorite favorite), JonTron, Egoraptor, Ninja Sex Party, Cinemassacre (For the Angry Videogame Nerd), and jacksepticeye. Oh, and don't forget Polaris.

Favorite instrument: Trumpet.

Favorite Quotes:
"Screw you guys, I'm going home!" - Cartman, South Park

"Respect my authoritah!" - Cartman, South Park

"Whatevah, I do what I want!" - Cartman, South Park

"OH MY GOD! They killed Kenny! You bastards!" Stan and Kyle, South Park

"War...War never changes." Narrator, Fallout series

  • Magic Pony Rainbow Land
  • JoinedApril 16, 2015
