
This is my ranking of the entire 101 Dalmatian Street first season. Enjoy everyone! https://www.wattpad.com/story/185008222


@KalebPutnam do it...write part 2 I got rhe details you just write it come on.


@Aetherwanderer Okay. I'll write that wehn I can.


@KalebPutnam Ok. Ajar invites Pitt to live with him in the suburbs amd start a new life with him. Pitt meets Saladin a mean snake and new enemy of Pitt and old rival of Ajar. They stick up for each other and become best friends after all that. Pitt now knows who belongs where and in the canyon where all the snakes belong on the food chain and apparently...their at the bottom. Hr sometimes looks at the oasis but remembers ever since he became friends with Ajar he is A considered A dusty too.A year goes by and Ajar says he wants to leave thus leading to a new adventure which would be the beggining of the movie.


@Aetherwanderer Fine, give me the details.