
Hey, I was wondering, for all of you who read my works, would you rather my stories be in one point of view or multiple? I feel like I put in too many point of views in one story.


Sorry about not posting any fan art. I’ve been working on my stories, doing digital art projects, and juggling all my online classes at the same time. I’ll be updating my anime fan art book soon with the requests I got from last time. Please be patient with me. And thank you for the follows, love and support. They really mean a lot to me.


Alright. I’m working on 3 stories at once at the moment. NONE of my photos are appearing anymore! They were fine a moment ago! I literally edited my stories yesterday and now I’m stressed the hell out!
          Dear Wattpad,
            Fix this please.


          List 5 things you like about yourself then tell 10 of your followers


Does that count?


I don’t really have anything I like about myself... but I do have things I like in general!


I’m gonna talk a few days off from writing my new book. In those few days I will be planning out some chapters. I would appreciate it if you all could put your two cents in and give some ideas for later chapters! (*^▽^*)Thanks!