
Signing off FOR GOOD! This account has really been there for me through all my years and I think it's time to move on to another for a fresh start. Thank y'all so so much for being here for years. @TheJackalPrince shall be my new corner of Wattpad.


@Kanethewolf Wait whats your new wattpad?


Signing off FOR GOOD! This account has really been there for me through all my years and I think it's time to move on to another for a fresh start. Thank y'all so so much for being here for years. @TheJackalPrince shall be my new corner of Wattpad.


@Kanethewolf Wait whats your new wattpad?


Hey y'all! Kane here (on his computer)
          Two things: 
          1. I am writing a new story, so look out for that! It's pretty much a pan, trans Spider-Man who lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area who has a Latino boyfriend and together they "kick names, take ass." XD
          And I want to open up for character and plot ideas.
          2. Sometime later this month I'm going to open up auditions for a new thing I'd like to try with a Hunger Games generator.