
I'm so into Mafia Wife I can hardly wait from one update till the next. The author  has made her characters so realistic you can't help but relate and feel a relationship with them yourself. She is a very talented and gifted person. I enjoy her work very much and will continue to read her books as long as she will provide them. Good job!


hey Karen :) how r u? i'm so glad when i read ur message that you started reading MI on Radish :D welcome to the Radish family :) so, i'm here to ask you, how far are u? and what do you think?


@KarenHutchinson yup you are right :) even when i started writing phase 2 i had sooooooo many mixed emotions myself and i had no idea how i should continue on :P i just couldn't believe how cruel and ruthless Shehryaar had become :/ and i just didn't know for how long Anissa will last you know i had to specially study psychology and psychiatry for this book :P i've worked like really hard on and thats why, when its just in the thought process, it gets even more difficult to bring out and put it into words and the hopless romantic in me just wants to go and make them fall in love but it seems pretty far fetched and will take time but hey, thats how every great story is right ;) and don't worry, there will be a happily ever after in this story that much i assure u :)
            and yeah, i get discouraged a lot but as long as i have readers and admirers like u, i continue to write :)


I love this story! My impatient nature  would not let me wait for some of the chapters so it was off to Radish to feed my need  I've just finished chapter 56 and I honestly have a lot of mixed emotions. I love Anissa and there is  a part of me that wants her to take her revenge on Shehryaar. But I can't help but feel that his mental condition and his childhood created the monster he is now. The death of his twin was the final push to his psyche. I believe that Anissa loves him but doesn't realize it, and he loves her as well but doesn't know how to show love. His mind is soooo screwed up and now he has discovered what a  horrible thing he has done and can't do anything to fix his Tara. It's really quite sad  but I'm hooked and the romantic in me wants all to be happier ever after. I've read your comments and agree that people are very inconsiderate by not responding with at least a small comment. But don't you let anything discourage your writing. I know that you are very busy with school but you are a talented author also and I NEED to read your books.  Thank you for sharing your talent with us. ❤️


Hello Karen Madam.
          The Night Queen here. Would you mind checking out my book "She Is His Everything"? It'll mean a lot to me. Really.
          I am sure you'll love this romance suspense story. Do vote and comment loads.
          Will be eagerly waiting for your feedbacks.
          Have a good day!


Thank you precious ❤️


Thank you very much Mam. Whatever suits you best. And yes I will pray that your husband gets well soon.


I'd be happy to read your book, I'm pressed for time at the moment. My husband is having some medical issues but as soon as possible I will read it. I will vote and comment as I go, okay.


Hy KarenHutchinson
          Can you please check out my book....
          Bandhan a knot unbreakable....


Sure thing. I'm pushed for time because of the holidays at the moment. But I will as soon as possible. 


Please have a look at my novel 
          Mafia King As My Escort


@ZAaali thanks and you are one of the best and first readers who appreciated me and motivated me.let me say that i could complete my novel because of your appreciation .:)


@ZAaali  One the best books ever. I loved it!