
Hi Karen,
          I just started reading 'the duke is a devil' this morning and in the midst of chapter 4 im getting a message saying this book has been deleted. I'm unable to see it on your profile either and am wondering what went wrong. TIA!


@KarenLingefelt : Congratulations!!! That is a great news!!! Your work certainly deserves it...In fact, I have already read Playing the Duchess two worries...I will wait for your next work ✌✌


@roosh2020 and @Ridzzzzzzzzz: Unfortunately, I had to take the books down from Wattpad because they've been published for sale at sites such as Amazon, Apple, Kobo, etc.  I was required to "certify" that the books cannot be read anywhere online for free (meaning Wattpad).  To do that, I had to unpublish them here.  I didn't like doing this, especially after I saw your messages.  I cherish the wonderful feedback I've received from Wattpad readers.  Please note that I haven't deleted the books from Wattpad; I've merely "unpublished" them from here, meaning they should still be in the Wattpad cloud and if in the future I can find some way to republish them here, I will certainly do so, as I like being able to reach readers who otherwise don't have access to Amazon, etc.  I'm very sorry about all of this.  In the meantime, I hope that this year I can draft something new that I can put up on Wattpad.  Love to all!


The same thing happened while I was reading 'Playing the Princess' and now the book is nowhere to be seen!!


Dear Karen I absolutely loved "The Duke is a Devil".  Waited in anticipation for every chapter to come in to get my fix.... hope you have something new in the works love Ash 


@KarenLingefelt good luck with your heart warming writing 


@Ash_1707 Thank you for reading it!  I'm so happy you enjoyed it.  Comments like yours are always encouraging and keep me writing.  Many thanks!  Take care.


Hi did I miss chapter 31? Of new book


@aminaBegum22 I checked and it looks like I somehow goofed up when posting something.  I fixed it so the newest part (Part 32) is now Part 31, so if you've already read Part 32 then you haven't missed anything, but there'll be a whole new Part 32 tomorrow--as long as I don't mess it up again!  Thanks for letting me know about this!


I am so excited for “The Duke is a Devil”! I finished Evangeline’s story a while back and was hoping that you would write again. I can’t wait to see what new adventure you take us on. ❤️


@VetaGirl Thank you!  I hope you enjoy The Duke Is a Devil.  I had a lot of fun writing it!


Hi Karen, all three of your stories are wonderful and very captivating. Hope to expect more stories from you so that we can enjoy reading. If you plan a story on Duke of Bardbury it will be beautiful as Dane's character is very interesting indeed.
          Again love your stories. Keep writing. Thank you.


@NiVidhi Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words!  I hope to have the Duke's story up on Wattpad very soon!


I've just read Playing the Princess and All About Evangaline and loved them! Love your writing style, it's given me inspiration to start writing again ♡ and now we start on Playing the Duchess ;)


@thatfunnygirlyouknow  I'm glad you enjoyed my stories and that you're inspired to start writing again because I know just how hard it is.  In fact, it's messages like yours that motivate me to keep working at it.  Thank you very much!