
Hey @KarrotCarrot.
          I just read the 5 chapters that you have uploaded, your work seems really good so far.
          Why did I vote on every chapter? Well, I know how it feels struggling to get your book to have more views. Voting helps your book gain more exposure.
          I would love if you could check out my book "Fate's Playbook" and tell me what you think about it. Your opinion would be much valued. 


@elle_joub Wow! This is honestly the best compliment I have ever received regarding my writing. I am really happy you enjoyed "Fate's Playbook" and I'm honored that you think so highly of my work. You should really not be jealous of my work, yours is just as outstanding and you're on-track to becoming a wonderful writer. Thank you so much  ♡


Thank you so much @elle_joub for showing your support. I spent the day reading your work "Fate's Playbook". I want to say I loved it. The characters and the plot were fantastic. Your writing itself is very advanced. I feel jealous of your work. As your such a strong writer. I made sure to vote on every chapter on your book as well. I hope to see more outstanding writing projects from you in the future. 