
Hey guys! Sorry it's been months since I've written....well more like posted. I've written, I just haven't posted mainly because the chapter isn't done yet. As some of you know, I've been busy with my Junior year here in college and I also have a job that requires me to work at least  40 hours so on top of studying, I'm also working. I barely have a private life and I barely have time to chill. I plan to write more and post during Thanksgiving Break, which is coming up in a few weeks. I want to thank all of you guys for still supporting me and for reading and voting. I love reading comments, though it's just a few comments here and there, I still read them. You guys have known me for a while now mainly through my fan account on Instagram, which I'm sorry again I haven't posted. Anyways, you guys know me well enough that I will never not respond to y'all if you send me something. I always always always reply back to you guys because communication is very important in life and in society as a whole. So I just wanted to take some time during my lunch break between class today to tell you guys that I do appreciate each and every one of you and I appreciate your patience with me as well. If you guys have any questions or just want to talk, you all know my personal Twitter and Instagram account. No, I'm not on my fan account on Instagram right now, but I will be when life slows down a little haha. Feel free to also message me on here, I know some of you have, just heads up, I don't check this as often o I may not respond right away, but I will respond as soon as I can. Anyways, thank you and I love you guys!
          	Much Love,
          	Kasey Poole


Hey guys! Sorry it's been months since I've written....well more like posted. I've written, I just haven't posted mainly because the chapter isn't done yet. As some of you know, I've been busy with my Junior year here in college and I also have a job that requires me to work at least  40 hours so on top of studying, I'm also working. I barely have a private life and I barely have time to chill. I plan to write more and post during Thanksgiving Break, which is coming up in a few weeks. I want to thank all of you guys for still supporting me and for reading and voting. I love reading comments, though it's just a few comments here and there, I still read them. You guys have known me for a while now mainly through my fan account on Instagram, which I'm sorry again I haven't posted. Anyways, you guys know me well enough that I will never not respond to y'all if you send me something. I always always always reply back to you guys because communication is very important in life and in society as a whole. So I just wanted to take some time during my lunch break between class today to tell you guys that I do appreciate each and every one of you and I appreciate your patience with me as well. If you guys have any questions or just want to talk, you all know my personal Twitter and Instagram account. No, I'm not on my fan account on Instagram right now, but I will be when life slows down a little haha. Feel free to also message me on here, I know some of you have, just heads up, I don't check this as often o I may not respond right away, but I will respond as soon as I can. Anyways, thank you and I love you guys!
          Much Love,
          Kasey Poole