
          	Hey, just wanted to let you guys know I am still on hiatus from writing (AND reading this time).
          	I haven't been able to write/read because I have been dealing with my own personal issues for the last few months. The virus here is getting out of hand, and few of my family members have the coronavirus... I don't know when I'll be back. 
          	Also, I have been thinking a lot about this, and I am going to take down all of my books cause I'm not happy with them and I lost the inspiration/motivation to finish them. I hope you respect my decision. (it wasn't an easy one.)
          	Who knows maybe I will republish them or publish new books in the future.
          	Stay safe and healthy.
          	Kat ♥


          Hey, just wanted to let you guys know I am still on hiatus from writing (AND reading this time).
          I haven't been able to write/read because I have been dealing with my own personal issues for the last few months. The virus here is getting out of hand, and few of my family members have the coronavirus... I don't know when I'll be back. 
          Also, I have been thinking a lot about this, and I am going to take down all of my books cause I'm not happy with them and I lost the inspiration/motivation to finish them. I hope you respect my decision. (it wasn't an easy one.)
          Who knows maybe I will republish them or publish new books in the future.
          Stay safe and healthy.
          Kat ♥


I hope everything is okay and that you are safe 


@KatHolland17 don't feel guilty it's just with all this covid-19 stuff going on you know I do worry about my friends♡


@KatieMC94 Now I feel guilty for making you worry! I'm so sorry. I'll try my best to be more active. ♥️  


@KatHolland17 I'm just glad that you're safe and okay. You had me a bit worried there because I didn't hear from you or anyting. And thank you I was actually shocked that I won, you've always supported my work so a lot of that winning goes to all my supporters♡


Please update the king


@HaifasnbIbrahim I have a writer's block on that one but I'll definitely try my best! 


Hi do you mind checking out my book ENAMOURED thanks it will mean alot to I just started it 


@KatHolland17 no problem thanks for giving my book a chance it really means alot to me ❤❤


@stefanie631 Of course and sorry for the late reply!