
Well hello again…
          	I can’t believe I haven’t been active on here since 2015 and trust me a lot has changed, I actually created a second Wattpad account a few months ago but gave up on it but recently I’ve had the urge to start writing again. I somehow managed to sign back into this account and rediscover all of my past works.
          	Since rereading my works I have decided to unpublish them all until I figure out what to do with them and whether or not I will rewrite some but I am hoping to publish some new works soon in a new style/theme to my old pieces.
          	If anyone is still using Wattpad or is just reading and is still here then hello


Well hello again…
          I can’t believe I haven’t been active on here since 2015 and trust me a lot has changed, I actually created a second Wattpad account a few months ago but gave up on it but recently I’ve had the urge to start writing again. I somehow managed to sign back into this account and rediscover all of my past works.
          Since rereading my works I have decided to unpublish them all until I figure out what to do with them and whether or not I will rewrite some but I am hoping to publish some new works soon in a new style/theme to my old pieces.
          If anyone is still using Wattpad or is just reading and is still here then hello


I’m thinking of writing again on this account, there’s a book I’ve been working on but I’m not sure if I should publish it because I don’t know if any of my readers are still active, the book is different to the ones I used to write...if you want me to publish the new book then comment below...


Hey guys, 
          Listen...I am so sorry about the lack of updates recently, I've started studying my GCSEs at school and it's really taken a toll on me plus I've found out my grandfather isn't very well so I've had a lot to deal with lately, I can promise you that when I get to a stable part in life (as in my school work is up to date and family stuff is stabilised) then updates will come soon...
          Question: Do you guys want me to do like set days for updates so like every Monday and Thursday I update or something like that? Comment and tell me so that I can have a plan hahaha
          Thanks for all the love and support over the two years I've been on Wattpad, the support I've had from you all is astounding and is really touching so thank you all so much even if you weren't here right at the start, thank you for being here anyway even if you just voted/commented once on one chapter or just read one chapter of any book that still helps get my books noticed so thank you
          Love always


Just a heads up guys:
          I am not going to be updating any books tomorrow because I am going to meet Bars and Melody in Milton Keynes! I will be vlogging on my snapchat all day if you guys follow me on there then you can watch it and I will hopefully get selfies with the boys on snapchat as well so keep a lookout.
          Snapchat is - Kate-gln 


@KatieGlen aww it's ok, I always say this because I know when an author needs to take their time, because writing should be fun and not forced. If you want someone to talk about this moment, I'm here because I have loved the boys since they started and ever since they broke up its hard because there music was what got my through hard times. If you ever need anyone to talk to, message me


That is so sweet thank you so much for your support and understanding xxxx ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Okay this is just something y'all need to know. It is one year ago today that I met the boys for the first time so I am a bit emotional...I mean I've sat and cried...so I will write today but I have no clue if I'm going to update/publish anything...sorry if you guys wanted an update but I have no clue if I will. I just wanted to warn y'all of that.