I write fantasy cuz it's way better than being an adult all the time, but now I have a new secret crush on ChickLit.

My characters are far cooler and braver than me in real life (maybe I went to bed at 7:30 last night, maybe I didn't.)

I have a thing for food. A BIG THING. Shrimp tacos. Sweet taters. Cookies of any form. You agree? Then let's talk and look at food blogs together, mmkay?

If you like my chick lit novel, "Bon Bons to Yoga Pants" then you should check out the rest of the Health and Happiness Society Series, all debuting here on Wattpad.

Oh, it's 7:15? Gotta get ready for bed then.
  • Fort Collins, Colorado
  • انضمFebruary 6, 2015

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