
I'm writing a new book that I'm very proud of! It's an historic romance set in Victorian 1880s with an enemies to lovers trope! I have a lot planned for it and would love it if you would check it out! Lots of love! 


hey everybody. I'd really appreciate if you all check out my book "The Deal". It's a book I'm really passionate about and have a lot of store for. I'd really love it if you would read, comment, and vote for it if it's something you like. No pressure though. I hope you all have a good day/night. 


this message may be offensive
sorry for being an asshole.


@Meadows7rainbows anytime. I'm known for being super nice. I'm pretty chill. 


@Katieathomas thanks for being so nice about it.


@Meadows7rainbows it's okay! There's a lot of people in this world that are racist and like to discriminate. I completely understand your outburst, you were just trying to stick up for yourself. I'm just glad we came to an understanding. :) I am truly sorry I offended you at first. 


hey everybody!! It's been sooo long! Way too long! I thought I would jump back into Wattpad. I was getting flusterated with it because it's so hard to get reads and votes on this place. My beat friend writes on here and is having success and I know I won't have nearly as much as her, if any, but I thought I should put my work out there on her again. I am updating my poetry. I will put up my book I'm currently writing that I had taken down because major editing was needed. I have started a new draft on it and I see so much improvement so I'm excited for you guys to read it. Love you guys!


@DELynch43 I'm so proud of you! I have to get caught up! 


@Katieathomas I’m on number three! One more to go, but I’ve been slowing down ;)


@StarfishOverlord might have to start uploading some fanfiction then. 