
Sorry I havnt updated in past 2 days, I'm not disappearing again I just really don't have time at weekends to fit in any writing...so should be going back to posting a(1) review every day again through out the week days. Just to let you guys know. If I do miss a day or 2 throughout week however it's simply because I'm working on my book. I've legit made a schedule guys to write  :/ :) 


Hi Katie, I hope you are still doing book reviews. I would very much like some constructive criticism and feedback for my ONC 2021 submission. It's a coming of age story of a British Asian, trying to find herself.
          I would appreciate any feedback you have. Thank you. 


Sorry I havnt updated in past 2 days, I'm not disappearing again I just really don't have time at weekends to fit in any writing...so should be going back to posting a(1) review every day again through out the week days. Just to let you guys know. If I do miss a day or 2 throughout week however it's simply because I'm working on my book. I've legit made a schedule guys to write  :/ :) 


Hi guys, ok so a update. I'm gonna try to put up at least one review a day so that I can get them finished as I know I'm very behind. Furthermore I must apologise I've just been so busy with well... Life. It just seems to get in the way haha. Whilst I dunno when I will finish the reviews I promise I will finish them before the year is up(that gives me a year) and if I still don't finish them then dam. So I will get them done/uploaded!! Promise. I won't just leave them forever undone!
          OK now that I've said that...
          Another thing is I'm thinking of only continuing my Creepy text books on here and have unpublished most of my actual stories e.g. My 'Misshapen Love.' This is because 1) I want to self - publish my books and whilst I know I could still leave them on here Id rather not because 2) I don't want any of my ideas to be stolen and I'm sure a majority don't purposely go around stealing others stories but subconsciously people may accidentally. 3) I like to write in my own time and as I don't have much, I can barley update and that makes me  feel I'll loose readers anyhow because they will forget the storyline etc so I feel it best if I take my time and if I do decide to perhaps put it back on wattpad then I want to make sure it is finished :) 4) Another thing is I get lots of writers block because I care so much about what you guys think and that causes me to re wrote a chapter many times before posting and this doesn't help with the 3rd point I made. I feel if I write for myself(With no audience at first) then maybe it will be quicker to finish?
          Anyhow I thank all of you for the votes/follows/ adding books to reading lists as usual and hope you guys are all healthy and well.☺️
          Hope all your books are going well. 
          Thank you all. 


@Kuriejisyfer8 thank you and yes I agree many probably do haha. Good luck with anything you are writing too :) 


@Katieq108 Goodluck with your efforts. I think many of us face the dilemma of "Life's interference" with our Wattpad work 


Hello! Can you review my book! Thank you so much <3


@taeliensy *sorry
            (on the end of last comment heh) 


@taeliensy Hi, yes I can however I only do it through my reviews book. So please can you read the rules etc and fill out the form please. If you of course don't follow rules I can't accept 


Hey, to all those who are still waiting for thier July Reviews, they will be done before the end of August(I really hope anyway) Im sorry its taking me so long, it's just I've been really busy and have been working on my own stories too.
          Thanks for understanding :) 


@SunshineBandito ☺️☺️
            I'm sure I will enjoy the story haha, I like romance stories, it's one of my favourite genres to read..
            But you will know how much I like the book when I finally get around to your book ☺️


@Katieq108 Take your time! There’s no where to go anyway,lolol
            Hope your enjoy the story♥️


Hi, just to let you all know I have unpublished some of my books, this is because they were not finished and still in progress however I'm deciding to focus on one book at a time.
          Therefore I will be re uploading and finishing them but this will be once I've finished my current book 'Misshapen Love' which I'm really proud of by the way, so if you could check it out that would be awesome :) ☺️. It's a badboy/badgirl romance incase you wanted to know.
          The completed books are still up and loaded, including short scary stories. I only write in that when I'm inspired so that can stay up too. Hope you all understand!
          So with all this being said thankyou and hope you have a good day :)