
Happy New Year, everyone! <3
          	I will be announcing my new account within the next couple of days:)


Hello again! Update time. I will be switching accounts on January 1st, 2022. It seems like a good time for a fresh start. Before then, I will try to update some of my active fics for you all:) I will post my new username on this account before I switch everything over. I hope you're all doing okay!


          Hello everyone! I have an announcement (well, two, actually): 
          The first one: I will try and be more regular with updates, but my mental health is kind of sh*t lately, and I'm about to start a new job, so my life is crazy. I do still want to update though!
          The second announcement:
          I am switching accounts! I will be transferring all of my active fan fictions (Prim's Games, my Dramione fic, my Mean Girls fic, and a few others) to a new account, with a new username. I will not get rid of this account, and will occasionally check messages and notifications, but most of my time and energy will be spent on my new account. The reason for the switch is that this account was dead for a long time, and a lot of my followers/friends became inactive, so I lost a lot of my audience. Plus the type of fic that I write changed. So I think that starting over is a good idea, for me personally. I will give you all 1-2 weeks notice before the switch, and in the meantime I will try and update at least my MG and Dramione fics again:)
          Love ya!


Hehe guess who forgot their password and got locked out of their account. This human! Anyway, I'm back, and I'll have a Mean Girls update out by Saturday, and hopefully a Hunger Games or Dramione update shortly after that. Thanks for sticking with me!!