
For those that haven't read Sky Island's recent notice, I've had my current cover for the book for quite a long time now and am thinking about changing it so if anyone would be happy to design a new cover or know someone who would it would be amazing. If anyone wishes to do this, they can reply to this announcement, comment on sky island or privately message me and I will credit them in the book's description.  Once again thx guys for those reading the book so far and I apologize for Assassin's Creed still being ON HOLD.


For those that haven't read Sky Island's recent notice, I've had my current cover for the book for quite a long time now and am thinking about changing it so if anyone would be happy to design a new cover or know someone who would it would be amazing. If anyone wishes to do this, they can reply to this announcement, comment on sky island or privately message me and I will credit them in the book's description.  Once again thx guys for those reading the book so far and I apologize for Assassin's Creed still being ON HOLD.


I know I haven't updated in a quite a while and my chapter is past the due date for it to be posted by a long way, like three weeks maybe. I'm just having a bit of writing block but I promise to post a chapter or two once I'm back to the norm