
Waaaaah I've been away so long!! ;-; I've been struggling with a lot of issues and it's taken me away from my writing. As I'm trying to get back into writing, I met and talked with a couple that inspired me to get back into this. 
          	I'm open to ideas on how to get back into writing. Thanks for the prayers and warm thoughts~ ♥️


Waaaaah I've been away so long!! ;-; I've been struggling with a lot of issues and it's taken me away from my writing. As I'm trying to get back into writing, I met and talked with a couple that inspired me to get back into this. 
          I'm open to ideas on how to get back into writing. Thanks for the prayers and warm thoughts~ ♥️


You are invited to consider All Christians For Keeps Book Club. A new club by the Readers For Keeps Society, for all christian themed books on Wattpad. It would be an honour to have you.


@ReadersForKeeps Oh wow, thank you so much!! I'll have to consider that when I become more active :)


Humility, not pride, should characterize the life of a believer. What is a holier-than-thou attitude? It's pride displayed through words or actions when people consider themselves more righteous or moral than other people, based upon their own standards of judgment. It's a slippery trap that can easily ensnare us if we're not careful.
          When we adopt a holier-than-thou attitude, it means we have begun comparing ourselves with other people instead of keeping our eyes on Jesus as our example (2 Corinthians 10:12). Those who enjoy their holier-than-thou attitude often gravitate toward those with whom they can compare themselves favorably. They keep this attitude thriving by thinking, “At least I’m not like So-and-So.” We see this attitude demonstrated on social media. Some people post photos of their open Bibles with a verse for the day, only to later make rude or demeaning comments on other posts. Holier-than-thou people don’t respectfully engage in discussions about ideas; they belittle, sermonize, and grow angry when challenged. They demand respect but rarely give it. They speak in absolutes even when the Bible doesn’t. And they often twist a Bible verse or two to prove that their opinion applies to everyone, even though the whole of Scripture does not support their idea.
          I pray to God I stay humble through Him, it's sad to see other brothers and sisters who succumb to this type of attitude. My heart is with you all!♡


@Kayla-Writes this is so true! I pray also for myself, family and others. 


Here are some verses that stuck out to me today:
          Isaiah 54:10 - "The mountains may move, and the hills may shake, but My kindness will never depart from you. My promise of peace will never change." says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
          Isaiah 54:17 - "No weapon that has been made to be used against you will succeed. You will have an answer for anyone who accuses you. This is the inheritance of the Lord's servants. Their victory comes from Me," declares the Lord.
          Isaiah 55:7 - Let wicked people abandon their ways. Let evil people abandon their thoughts. Let them return to the Lord, and He will show compassion to them. Let them return to our God, because He will freely forgive them.
          Let's all show compassion to each other as we have been shown compassion by Him. =)


@Kayla-Writes this is really nice. I love it 


I pray, Lord, that nothing will draw me away from fulfilling the plan You have for me. May I never stray from what You have called me to be and do. Give me a vision for my life and a strong sense of purpose. I put my identity in You and my destiny in Your hands.


We can never move into all God has for us and become all He created us to be without surrendering our dreams to Him. Jesus said, "Whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matthew 16:25). That means if we want to have a life that is secure in the Lord, we have to let go of OUR plans and say, "Not my will, but YOURS be done, Lord."


Lord, help me to understand the call You have on my life. Take away any discouragement I may feel and replace it with joyful anticipation of what You are going to do through me. Use me as Your instrument to make a positive difference in the lives of those whom You put in my path.
          But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness and into His marvelous light. 
          ~1 Peter 2:9