
this message may be offensive
Hello everyone. This account popped up while I was scrolling through my recommended on my new account, @Transformers_Trash.
          	Ive come on to check things out, thinking it would be dead. I was not expecting people to still be following and shit.
          	Im going to say this once and not come back.
          	This account is DEAD. I have started a new account, Tramsformers_Trash, which revolves around Transformers.
          	I was NEVER happy with Ninjago. I tried to force myself but I couldnt. Ninjago is dead. Have you seen the trailer for the movie? It not only has completely different people, but its following regular LEGO psychics. 
          	Movies come at the end of series to finish them. Face it.
          	If you are interested check out my new account, which I am happy with.
          	I will not be coming back onto this account so if youve got the balls to say shit about my thoughts and opinion message my new account. Also if I feel a need to reply to a comment it will be done from the new account.
          	Transformers, cars, RCs, all that stuff is what makes me happy. Ninjago was a chore.
          	So from this day forward I am DONE with ninjago.
          	Good riddance Ninjago.
          	Any Questions?
          	PM 'Transformers_Trash' to ask


Oh so you've got big enough balls to challenge my opinion? Come then.


this message may be offensive
Hello everyone. This account popped up while I was scrolling through my recommended on my new account, @Transformers_Trash.
          Ive come on to check things out, thinking it would be dead. I was not expecting people to still be following and shit.
          Im going to say this once and not come back.
          This account is DEAD. I have started a new account, Tramsformers_Trash, which revolves around Transformers.
          I was NEVER happy with Ninjago. I tried to force myself but I couldnt. Ninjago is dead. Have you seen the trailer for the movie? It not only has completely different people, but its following regular LEGO psychics. 
          Movies come at the end of series to finish them. Face it.
          If you are interested check out my new account, which I am happy with.
          I will not be coming back onto this account so if youve got the balls to say shit about my thoughts and opinion message my new account. Also if I feel a need to reply to a comment it will be done from the new account.
          Transformers, cars, RCs, all that stuff is what makes me happy. Ninjago was a chore.
          So from this day forward I am DONE with ninjago.
          Good riddance Ninjago.
          Any Questions?
          PM 'Transformers_Trash' to ask


Oh so you've got big enough balls to challenge my opinion? Come then.


Make a Jay x reader plz


That's fine do what you need to do but if you do than tell me ok.


@Saphire1332 im juggling to much stuff right now. im so busy with school and crap i bearly update as it is. i am planning to do an 'x reader' for each of the male ninja but not anytime soon. so sorrt but your answer is no. not right now.


          if youve ever been bullyed spread the word! ive been bullyed and still am. and im in the 8th grade!!
          ive thought about suicide but all i had to do was think about my dog, the one i rescued off the streets and have formed a great bond with, and think about what she would do if her baby(me) died. the thoughts vanish.


@Kayla_Ninjago I sometimes feel the same way. But then I remember my cat


Yeah I tried that once.... The thoughts just keep coming.


@_Alpha05_ awww... Thank you! Im just finishing up the next chapter of kai x reader and havent really got any ideas for texting mistakes. But im working on both dont worry! I appreciate you taking time to read my stories and post on my board. It means so much to have people like you reading my books. =) stay awsome!