
Hello everyone!
          	Just wanted to apologize if there's been a series of notifications coming from me lately! Been changing a few things and fixing stories and more!
          	Sorry about that! I'll make sure to be much better with them in the future!


Hello everyone!
          Just wanted to apologize if there's been a series of notifications coming from me lately! Been changing a few things and fixing stories and more!
          Sorry about that! I'll make sure to be much better with them in the future!


Just an apology about the last few weeks! Things got a bit wibbly wobbly with school work and other things, but will get back on the roll very soon! 


@art_friend Only the most wibbly wobbly, times wimey stuff lol


@Kazoram wibbly wobbly, timey wimey-


Doing something a bit new with my writing and trying out a new style I've never really worked with or done before! New story out right now, and more to come in the near future! I hope you all like it and all the feedback you have would be graciously appreciated! :D
          Have a great day!
          -Kaz, that one guy who's been gone for too lonnggggg!


Heyo everybody!
          So sorry it's been so long and that things have been really sparse from me! It's been nearly 4 months since I last wrote for y'all here on Wattpad, but I'm back and ready to take on the world! Sorta lol
          Things have been really wonky with time and some family/personal stuff, but, with some silver-linings just around the corner, I'll be back up and writing here in no time! 
          As a part of this, I'm gonna start up a new schedule and stick to it as best as I can! More details soon!
          I hope everyone's doing well and having a wonderful start to their week! 
          -Kaz! I'm not dead! I think haha!


Hey guys! 
          Just wanna say: school and other projects have been quite hectic the last week or two, but I'm not gone!
          Within the next couple days, there'll be a new Chapter of each work! The Air of Rot, Battle Marked, and A Seat by the Fire!
          Happy reading! 


Not sure why my phone autocorrected that, sorry!
            Lax---> Kaz!
            Hope y'all have a good day!


I've been working on The Air of Rot a ton in the last few days! It's been really awesome to see that people are liking the story so far! Hopefully another chapter will be up tomorrow! (Maybe tonight, possibly)
          Hope y'all are having a good day and are liking where the story is going! 


Just gonna throw one more message out there for y'all! 
          I'm gonna be starting up a One Piece Fanfiction and I'm gonna try and do as best I can. I'll be writing both The Air of Rot and this story at the same time so nothing will be leaving! 
          You'll have a couple of parts of both stories every week, depending on how you react to both of them!
          I hope you like what you read and stick around for a bit! 
          -Once again, Kaz