
I'm sorry about the lack of updates, i've been trying to write but it's been extremely hard between school and life. I'll try and get an update up soon.


    I'm sorry about the lack of updates, i've been trying to write but it's been extremely hard between school and life. I'll try and get an update up soon.


      "/Date me/ *ends up dating myself*" I date you ;)




      Alright, Hey guys. I am so sorry for the long wait, but the new day in the 30 days of Frerard (Day 16) should be up sometime this week. Please read the important note at the beginning once it's up. I love you all.


        Hello people! I'm sorry we haven't been updating anything lately but yeah just keep waiting for a little bit more. A Match Into Water was completed and waiting to be published but then it got deleted so we will be rewriting it without killing any of the characters yet..I'm joking no one will die (that's a lie or maybe not) anyway and 30 Days Of Frerard will be updated as well, soon but not yet. Have a great day!!