
So, I’m hoping to update the Rorschach Fic soon. So, I’m re-reading it and I realized I made inconsistencies with the timeline. Me, a fool, forgot to research the opening of MSG and apparently it opened ten years after my story is currently at. So, can we just pretend MSG was open in 1958? K thanks, my bad guys. 
          	I cannot believe I did extensive research of Arizona agriculture and then forgot to make sure MSG was open in 1958 :/ 


@oldmansuperfan oh my gosh thank you! That means so much to me! I promise I haven’t forgotten about it!! Yeah I was sad at the lack of Rorschach content on here so I made my own lol. 


@KenzieKovacs18 of course, man. you’re the only rorschach writer i can read - and you’re an excellent writer at that  (: 


@oldmansuperfan thank you! That means a lot! 


So, I’m hoping to update the Rorschach Fic soon. So, I’m re-reading it and I realized I made inconsistencies with the timeline. Me, a fool, forgot to research the opening of MSG and apparently it opened ten years after my story is currently at. So, can we just pretend MSG was open in 1958? K thanks, my bad guys. 
          I cannot believe I did extensive research of Arizona agriculture and then forgot to make sure MSG was open in 1958 :/ 


@oldmansuperfan oh my gosh thank you! That means so much to me! I promise I haven’t forgotten about it!! Yeah I was sad at the lack of Rorschach content on here so I made my own lol. 


@KenzieKovacs18 of course, man. you’re the only rorschach writer i can read - and you’re an excellent writer at that  (: 


@oldmansuperfan thank you! That means a lot! 


Ya boi wrote a poem. 
          I feel like poetry is the hardest thing to write. Anyone else feel that? I feel like my poems never make sense but most poetry I've read doesn't. Maybe it doesn't have to. 
          Well, it's published in 'Letters to Mr. Locke' if you're interested. Enjoy and have a great night.


Is anyone else disappointed by the new Percy Jackson show? 
          I was kinda expecting an exact play by play of dialogue and scenes from the book and they just changed so much and aren’t really using dialogue from the book. I am a little disappointed. 
          The casting is elite though and I love the set design. 
          I just hate how it’s not close to the book. 


@ninee16 I appreciate your insight. It is different, yeah. 


@KenzieKovacs18 I haven't read the books yet but absolutely love the movies sm! the show is very different, like the ages in the movie are different from the show, the jokes are different etc. It's the same, yet different at the same time 

KenzieKovacs18 I've been gone. Sorry about the irregular updates. But I have just posted a very late imagine for the lovely and patient @missHollywood67! The imagine is with Steve Harrington and takes place on the Snowball dance in season two finale.
          Hope you guys enjoy. 
          Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee that regular updates will be coming back. I just had time for the first time in a long long time and decided to bust out an imagine. Thanks for the support guys and I promise I'm okay just very busy.


@KenzieKovacs18 I'm glad you're okay, I was worried about you. Please take as long as you need ^^


was just thinking of you the other day, glad to hear you're well ^-^


@MellowQueen1 thank you so much! You’re so sweet 