

          Just found out that my dad woulda voted for Trump if we lived in America............
          My sister and I have started bringing up points and him countering them......
          I'll try to remember to update y'all on what happens....


@AbbyLupin yeah, we just gave up trying and we haven't talked about it since, because we know it's kind of a lost cause :/


As I was brushing my teeth not five minutes ago, I forgot I had my toothbrush in my mouth and decided it would be a good idea to do  w a l l  p u s h u p s . Now I have a small wound in the back of my moth where my jaw connects to the rest of my mouth... Fun.


My feelings about the new Sanders Sides episode, in song parody form! [no spoilers!] (TW: caps?)
          Deck the halls with sounds of crying ah ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha haa
          'Tis the season to be happy ah ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha haa
          Time is now for FREAKING OUT AH HA HA, HA HA HA, HA, HA, HA
          Spam all friends with keyboard smashes ah ha ha ha haa, ha ha ha hahdfhfjsmfhsjdgjddegfehfdh!