
So I've gotten into Sense8 and I wanted to make an RP chat on like Facebook or Skype. Would anyone want to join? Also.. I mean if you are curious about the series... If the ratings go up within the next year... There's a chance that they MIGHT renew it for another season? So I mean... Maybe check it out on Netflix? -shrugs- Anyways guys PM me if ya want to create the group with me 


So I've gotten into Sense8 and I wanted to make an RP chat on like Facebook or Skype. Would anyone want to join? Also.. I mean if you are curious about the series... If the ratings go up within the next year... There's a chance that they MIGHT renew it for another season? So I mean... Maybe check it out on Netflix? -shrugs- Anyways guys PM me if ya want to create the group with me 


Hey everyone! Another update to be honest I don't think any of you even read this sh*t so... But it's a way for me to vent. Ok. So I've been talking to my therapist about my gender identity... He has mentioned trans a lot but... To be honest I'm so confused with what's going on in my head I don't even know. But I'm still workin on it. Still single as ever, anxiety still gets the better of me in public... But anyways. Thanks for listening and laters. 


@KianOliverOlcan Hunty! Take your time okay? Don't push yourself for others, do what YOU want and what YOU can, if you ever want to talk, just PM me. Okay?


@ptxofficial1 thanks it's uh been pretty hard. Just exhaustion mostly. It's why I don't write as much as I used to...


@KianOliverOlcan Aww hunty, don't really know you but I will be here to read these


Alright another update. I quit my sh*t job and I'm looking for another. Uhm the therapy I am going through is really helping. I feel a lot better, but still there are good and bad days... I've been TRYING to get my sleeping schedule back on track. Key word TRYING. Anyways later y'all! 


Listen I know y'all don't hear from me much... Been a while I know... I've been really struggling... Things haven't been good. I've uh been in and out of the ER... (Personal reasons.. If ya really wanna hear my sob story feel free to PM me...) but I uh... I'm trying tbh. I'm trying to work out my issues... Some days are a LOT worse than others... Just... Thanks for sticking around I guess...? Anyways later guys