
Hey guyss! I know it has been a very long wait, but life has been extremely busy and overwhelming in ways even I did not expect. And it took me so long to even be able to sit down and write this chapter out for you guys amidst my work and school. Once again, so sorry for this prolonged delay, and I hope you like Chapter 23 - Diamonds of Rookie - The Finale.
          	Thank you so much for being patient and understanding as always 
          	<3 Kiara


@Kiara-m-m hey. Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your work. I read all of your rookie novels and I'm currently reading the finale. Your stories are so well written and you've brought one of my favourite characters, Ethan Ramsey to life. Don't worry about getting delayed. We all get busy. Can't wait for the next chapter


Hey guyss! I know it has been a very long wait, but life has been extremely busy and overwhelming in ways even I did not expect. And it took me so long to even be able to sit down and write this chapter out for you guys amidst my work and school. Once again, so sorry for this prolonged delay, and I hope you like Chapter 23 - Diamonds of Rookie - The Finale.
          Thank you so much for being patient and understanding as always 
          <3 Kiara


@Kiara-m-m hey. Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of your work. I read all of your rookie novels and I'm currently reading the finale. Your stories are so well written and you've brought one of my favourite characters, Ethan Ramsey to life. Don't worry about getting delayed. We all get busy. Can't wait for the next chapter


Hi guys!! Just popping by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!! Hope you guys are enjoying your holidays!!❤❤
          I know it's been a long time since I updated Rookie, and I'm definitely still working on the next chapter (3/4) into it already, but it has been a very slow process due to school, work and my personal life as well, and I'd like to apologise for the long delay and thank you guys for always being so patient and understanding.
          I hope to get the next chapter up as soon as possible so do look forward to it!
          Merry Christmas once again and love you all❤❤
          ♡ Kiara


Hey guys! I know it's been a while since the last chapter, but Chapter 22 (Christmas Love) of Rookie - The Finale is finally up!
          It has been a busy month for me with my school and work, and like I have mentioned before I am working on something new here as well, so it has eaten up alot of time in writing for Rookie and giving me a little writer's block as well.
          Nevertheless, this little 'break' of sorts has given me new ideas and motivation to write for Rookie so do expect faster updates moving forward. Once again thank you so much for always being so patient and unferstanding, love you guys❤
          ♡ Kiara


40K reads on Rookie 2?! Thank you all so much, Rookie 2 will always have a special place in my heart for how much my writing really grew from it, along with my confidence to stray away from the original storyline at times too.
          To celebrate this, Chapter 19 (Honeymoon Avenue) of Rookie - The Finale is up for you guys! It's a romance-filled chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it!❤
          Once again, thank you so much!❤❤
          ♡ Kiara


One more day to Chapter 19 (Honeymoon Avenue) of Rookie - The Finale, do look forward to it!❤
          On a side note, I have been working on something new along with Rookie -TF, and I hope to have it up by the end of this year. And don't worry my main priority is still on completing my Rookie series in proper, and there is still a lot more in store for Huntsey.
          (Hint: My new work in progress is related to a book that I have mentioned several times recently ;))
          ♡ Kiara


@Kiara-m-m where to get such a loyal clown like him XD


@MJKristo11 yess Lino!! He was the best part of the entire book for me!