
@Dreamer970 Thank you! Im so glad that Ive inspired you to write! I will read your work the moment i get the chance :)


Not trying to bug you, I'm just curious as to when Frostbite will officially come out....I've been really excited to read it since I read that first little snippet of it and I keep checking to see if you've updated but you haven't.... Sorry if I've come out whiny or demanding


Hey there I am a big fan of your book alive again right now and it's good. I can't to read more of your other work! I am new to this so you really inspired me to write my own book so I am and I would really love I you can check it out. It's called "Is It Worth It?" It would mean a lot to me if you were my first reader. Thank you love you and don't stop doing what you're doing :) xx