
Randomly remembered I have a wattpad again, I'm 22 now, dealing with more health issues and struggling with my mental health more now than ever. A lot going on. It's nice to remember all the memories I made on here tho. I made this account back when I was in high school. I wish I could go back in time for a minute. I hope you are all doing well and that you have an amazing week :)


@laneyrenee02 I appreciate hearing that a lot, I'm sorry you've also had a lot going on for you. I hope things get better/even better for you 


@KindHeartBrokenMind rough patches happen (ive had quite a few of my own), just keep moving forward that's all anyone can do and remember it's all temporary, the things that seem so big today will be memorys two years from now.❤️ p.s growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional


Randomly remembered I have a wattpad again, I'm 22 now, dealing with more health issues and struggling with my mental health more now than ever. A lot going on. It's nice to remember all the memories I made on here tho. I made this account back when I was in high school. I wish I could go back in time for a minute. I hope you are all doing well and that you have an amazing week :)


@laneyrenee02 I appreciate hearing that a lot, I'm sorry you've also had a lot going on for you. I hope things get better/even better for you 


@KindHeartBrokenMind rough patches happen (ive had quite a few of my own), just keep moving forward that's all anyone can do and remember it's all temporary, the things that seem so big today will be memorys two years from now.❤️ p.s growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional


I come here like twice every year lol. I keep forgetting to use this more often. I mainly used it in my earlier high school years. It's been 3 years since I've graduated and it's crazy to me. I got my first tattoo a few months ago, thinking of getting another one for my next birthday. I am 21 now but I still feel like I'm 15 or something. Like I haven't fully processed the fact that I'm an adult now. Probably because I'm still unfortunately stuck with my family, who has been pretty toxic to me growing up. I can't move out right now due to certain circumstances. I'm just trying my best to figure out what my passion is and where I want to end up in life. I feel like I have lost a huge sense of my identity. I dissociate a lot. I still struggle with depression. I'm still going to therapy and going through various medications, that don't work. My anxiety isn't bad anymore, only because I'm very numbed out and have trouble feeling emotions. Which I'm pretty sure is due to all the trauma I've endured in the past few years especially. And I've been blocking out emotions and not taking the time to process anything. I'm trying my very best to survive, but I really wish that i could wake up and feel like I'm enjoying life and content with who i am but I'm not. I feel like I'm so behind, from my other friends who have seemed to accomplish a lot more than I have in my life up to this point. It feels like I'm a failure. Sometimes I feel cursed and like a burden and I wish I could have someone else's life. Sometimes I also wonder if I'm cursed or paying for what I did or who I was in a past life. I feel like I've done my very best to treat everyone how I want to be treated and I still end up being let down and hurt countless times. Granted I do stand up for myself more and don't take as much bs as I used to take, because people take advantage of those with a kind/pure heart. I haven't truly vented to my friends in so long so I keep all of this to myself :/


Would you look at that, I'm back after almost another year. I always forget that I used to have an account. I wish that I had finished up my story I made years ago but I don't think that I will. I have so many memories from using this app. I wish I had been more consistent. I hope you are all doing well :)


Almost 2 years later and I'm back just to see what's up with the app now. I can't believe I had an account for so long and kept forgetting about it. 


@luminous-pixie sorry I left for a while again :( sadly I only have snapchat and Instagram, I don't have a Twitter :(


@KindHeartBrokenMind sure absolutely! Do you have Twitter? My Instagram won't let me in


@luminous-pixie I do remember you!!! I'm sorry I rarely even come on here, if you'd like I can give you my social media :)


Yikes I haven't been on here for like over a year? Wack. Honestly do much as happened and my life went really downhill. I stopped writing like 2 or more years ago. I stopped reading too. I'm going to try and update my bio and maybe see if I can force myself to read again. Still crazy to me how much time has passed lolol.


@KindHeartBrokenMind not the best but trying to manage, how are you?