
So many times I have accidentally written "hoe" instead of "how". Oh my god.


A trope I never get tired of is the bada*s character becoming a parent and, just, being so cool for their child and protective. And, like, as the kid gets older their taught self defense and you see the soft side of the bada*s character.  Then the kid gets in trouble and the character just, like, fixes it.
          I was rambling, but you get what I mean, lol.


You ever just find a fanfic author that has stolen your heart/p? Like, whenever you are looking through fanfics and see their name and how amazing the fic idea is and your hand goes to your heart. Then you think "Of course YOU are the one that came up with this. Of course you are the one who wrote this. Of course it is you, the author I'd probably sell my first born to."
          Like, obviously this is hyperbole, but STILL! This author is insanely good! I've read at LEAST three of their fics (probably more) and they are all probably part of my top ten favorites I've ever read.
          Sorry about the rant, lol, I just had to get it out there before I spend the next hour reading a fic that sounds incredible. 


I was looking up insect wings, and after looking at butterfly wings I decided to look at moth ones. The second I searched it up and saw pictures my fight or flight kicked in. My heart legitimately started racing. 
          I don't know if it was the fact that it was a bug, there were so many, or that the wings looked like eyes, but for a few seconds I was in a blind panic and closed the search.