
this message may be offensive
I will probably post a bit less from now on so expect maybe a chapter a week maybe 2 or less but I will try to get my newest story updated IFFF you guys show it some love and comment on it and vote on it and all that good shit so yayayayyayaua


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I will probably post a bit less from now on so expect maybe a chapter a week maybe 2 or less but I will try to get my newest story updated IFFF you guys show it some love and comment on it and vote on it and all that good shit so yayayayyayaua


for everyone wondering why I haven't been posting anything is because I've literally just been sitting in misery eating chocolate, waiting for my only chance at love to respond 


@KinkylittleSimp   i wasn't in town at the time but it was 5 in the morning and i had to be woken up at that time so i'm good just a bit sleep deprived  since then