
Dear reader,
          	I appreciate your viewing my work, however I will no longer be publishing on Wattpad.
          	This platform has been giving me too many problems. One of the main problems being that the second I click "publish," my entire chapter's editing goes down the drain. For some reason this platform takes away, randomly, the spaces between words and punctuation marks - leaving me with a half edited piece of work. Another problem I've encountered is the fact that Wattpad displays my paragraphs in the wrong order, but only sometimes. This type of glitch and unreliability is unacceptable to me, a person who is looking to make a career out of writing.
          	I am still publishing my work online. This book and all my future books, including Jennifer's follow up book, will now be published annually on my blog Write & Left  ( If you'd like to keep up to date with my uploads, you can subscribe on my blog and then you'll be notified via email after every chapter is published.
          	I am sorry for the inconvenience, thank you again for reading.
          	Kind regards,
          	Kira N Keating.


Dear reader,
          I appreciate your viewing my work, however I will no longer be publishing on Wattpad.
          This platform has been giving me too many problems. One of the main problems being that the second I click "publish," my entire chapter's editing goes down the drain. For some reason this platform takes away, randomly, the spaces between words and punctuation marks - leaving me with a half edited piece of work. Another problem I've encountered is the fact that Wattpad displays my paragraphs in the wrong order, but only sometimes. This type of glitch and unreliability is unacceptable to me, a person who is looking to make a career out of writing.
          I am still publishing my work online. This book and all my future books, including Jennifer's follow up book, will now be published annually on my blog Write & Left  ( If you'd like to keep up to date with my uploads, you can subscribe on my blog and then you'll be notified via email after every chapter is published.
          I am sorry for the inconvenience, thank you again for reading.
          Kind regards,
          Kira N Keating.


Good morrow bookworms!
          It's confession time! With my upcoming exams, I won't be able to upload as much as I would like. However, seeing as I do have two months worth of vacation afterwards... I might just try and finish the book all together. This is all still speculation, as I don't know what the future holds. My life has never really been predictable, things happen, but at least I get some great story material out of it.
          My exams finish in a month's time, but I still want to upload at least one chapter before the vacation starts, but, once again, we'll just have to wait and see.
          Until next time,
          happy reading!


Good Evening People!
          Long time no speak. It's been going crazy with me and I haven't had time to write at all. I can't say when I'll be uploading the next chapter, I'm preparing for my end of year exams and starting a new part time job as well. So, please, have a little patience - I really am doing all I can. I do hope to have Jennifer's story up and complete by next year February, which would mean that the second book will also be on its way shortly after!
          Thank you for the patience.


Okay, so today is an exceptionally wonderful day! The sun is shining, the words are flowing and the first season is complete.
          The latest chapter, Episode 10, is up and, because of that, we're officially one third done with Jennifer Hudson's Boring Little Life! The entire first season is now available and, as you guessed, there will be two more seasons to come. In total I'm aiming for about 30 chapters (Excluding the prologue and epilogue), but, knowing myself, there aught to be a few more than just 30 ;-).
          Naturally, I can't just stop at one book, so I'm already planning the next Jennifer Hudson book - but, don't fret, Jennifer Hudson's Boring Little Life won't end on a cliff hanger. The two books can be read in whatever order you chose, but, just a little heads up, there will be a major twist to the next one.
          In the next book (The Author's Inclination, which is the working title) the main focus will be on Jennifer's author. This will include who the author is, what the author's story is and why the author chose to write about Jennifer.
          Hope this is some food for thought. I'll try and post more messages in future, I want to connect more with you guys.
          Happy reading,


Good morrow, bookworms! I'm finalising the next chapter, chapter 8, and hope to have it up within the next few days.
          Things are heating up, Jennifer's life isn't quite as boring as she'd thought and, to make matters worse, she hasn't figured a single thing out - yet. But, as we've seen, the ever intuitive detective Hudson doesn't rest until all mysteries have been solved.
          One of the things to keep in mind is that this book is written for hind sight. Everything is there, all the clues can be seen and traced through the entire story all the way from chapter one, but, and this is why it takes so long to write, it is written in a way that makes things look insignificant. Keep a keen eye open, in the next chapter I'm placing elements that'll connect to chapter 25. No jokes, that's how far I've planned ahead.
          Happy reading, 