
this message may be offensive
308 followers?? Why have I never checked this. Holy shit. I LOVE YOU GUYS YOU ALL DONT EVEN UNERSTAND


So currently working on a task 141, euphoria, criminal minds, and strangers things book. And you think I don't love you guys? I'm literally gonna make 30 more books, put out ONLY the first chapter and see how bad yall thirst for more. 


If you are having thoughts or plans to harm yourself remember that pain is temporary, and you either live long enough to end you, or see it end. 
          The Suiscide hotline is ALWAYS available , or if you need somone to talk to my DMs are open, I've been through it and I know how it feels to feel like you have no one to talk to, or feel like you would rather keep your feelings to yourself or let it consume you rather be a burden to someone else. I'm ALWAYS Here to listen, I love all of you and it's not your time to go, I promise, it may not seem like it, or you may be tired of hearing the words "it'll get better" or "it'll 
          Get more easy," because both are hard pills to swallow when you feel like you won't make it to tomorrow. So I beg of you, if you need a shoulder to lean on, or just someone to vent to, I'm here. And so are many other help lines, all it takes is one push, left or right. Please, thank you, and I love you all. 


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Y'all. Wattpad just tweeked. I was reading this Bomb ass Colby book shit had me at the edge of my seat like so fucking good and then it kicked me out of the boom and I go and look for it and all of a sudden this book is nowhere to be found.