
New awards. Go check it out 


Hello there fellow human! It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you, well. . .in this case read. I greatly hope that everything is working out just fine and to the greatest in your life. Remember to never give up because there is no time to do so. Keep on fighting for your rightful goal in life and make yourself proud because YOU deserve it. And if you probably haven’t reached there yet, then don’t stress, it’s okay to take a break once in a while but never quit. Be YOURSELF, soon the world will accept you as a stunning and intelligent YOU. You deserve the happiness and love in your life no matter the bad things you did knowingly and unknowingly. Just remember that YOU ARE WORTH IT! Every single day push yourself, make yourself understand that you're not doing it for the world, you’re doing it for you because you are WORTH IT.
          Well I must say I shall await a reply but my dreams of Neverland are calling out to be, perhaps we’ll talk again. 
          For now, be safe and be you from Priya.


Thanks so much for the follow. I followed back because support for support. I’ll check out your work and feel free to check out my book ‘Tutoring the Player’ thank you and God bless you friend say safe. 


@tiffanywrites99 thank u so much :-)


@KiraReece omg, thank you so much . I actually saved your book ‘Maid for him’ the name alone drew me to reading and when I’m done with exams I’m gonna invest my time to reading it. I love the first chapter. 


@tiffanywrites99 I already started reading your book. That's how i found your profile. It's good so far 



Hi there, poping up to thank you for following me! I really appreciate you reading my poems. I'm a beginner, so means a lot that you like them. Took the liberty to adding your own poetry to my reading list.
          If you ever have the time to check out my work, here's an overview:
          'Back Home' is a short story with a dark twist about self realization and redemption.
          'The Odd Poetry Book - a journey into a dysthymic mind' is a deep dive into my dealings with life, dysthymia and love.
          My ongoing novel 'Hateful Brother' is an tale of angst teens trying to reconcile with themselves through error and love. It contains mature and bisexual content so be advised.
          Shadow excisions tackles the psychological struggle of a young man trying to deal with his sexuality while living in a bankrupted small town and trapped in abusive home.
          Anyway, you're more than welcomed to enjoy them, comment and share your thoughts.
          Hope we can exchange ideas in the future.
          Have a great week!


@ sunprophet  Thank you. That's very kind.


@sunprophet I will do. You are good at writing :)