Hey, sorry for worrying some of you.
I've been on a long hiatus, a lot of things happened, honestly. I started going out more with my brother when my social anxiety improved, I got a boyfriend and was with him for about a year, he cheated on me so we're no longer together and the whole thing really just hit me hard. I felt extremely low, I had no motivation to do anything, I felt unlovable, undesirable, and just essentially like a pile of crap. I turned to a few minor drugs like weed, alcohol and mushrooms just chasing a high, I guess. And yeah, I finally feel a little better somewhat...I mean, I feel dead inside but it's better than being sad haha
So yeah, that's me right now I guess...
I'm glad I made you guys all happy while I was writing though, at least I did something good for someone. <3 I hope you're all doing well, I hope to get back into writing one day but right now, I have no brain and no inspiration sadly...
Love you guys, hope you are all well! ♡♡