
Hey everyone.
          	Okay... I figure while I updating Naruto Guardian, I might do another story. I can rewritten stories already done but in it unprotenail. In other words, I can do the same thing I'm doing to Naruto Guardians, but different element. So... I'm gonna make you all chose between Fairy Tail and SAO. Why? SAO had a chance to be great, but it ruin the greatness by making it a Harlem, and Kirito Overpower. For Fairy Tail, I can make it a academy with the same story from the series (with a few of my own arc) and cut out the friendship speeches, Natsu plot armor, and possibly leave some characters dead. It up to you. 


Hey everyone.
          Okay... I figure while I updating Naruto Guardian, I might do another story. I can rewritten stories already done but in it unprotenail. In other words, I can do the same thing I'm doing to Naruto Guardians, but different element. So... I'm gonna make you all chose between Fairy Tail and SAO. Why? SAO had a chance to be great, but it ruin the greatness by making it a Harlem, and Kirito Overpower. For Fairy Tail, I can make it a academy with the same story from the series (with a few of my own arc) and cut out the friendship speeches, Natsu plot armor, and possibly leave some characters dead. It up to you. 


hey if u wanna make a anime I can draw I can send u pics of them if u want


@puddintang54321 I can't figure out how to work on Google Doc.


@puddintang54321 Okay I had never use Goggle Doc.


private msg me ur user for google ill send it to u on monday


Thanks for adding my book to your reading list. 


@Hirrto Your idea was useful. Thanks.


@kiritodragneel18 boy do i know that feeling. I have over 50 ideas and when i try to all of them. I forget the best ones if not all of them. So now i started to write them down to one day if i have time i will do it list. You should try it. It actual helps  


@Hirrto Thanks. But it sometimes hard to keep that imagination when you have over fifty ideas.