

Hi guys. Yeah, yeah, I know. I hardly come here often and all that. And this is usually the part where I apologize and yes, I am sorry but I'm just going to get straight to the point of why I'm here. I'm mostly absent from writing because I'm always busy from either work or my YouTuber channel or even both (mostly work). However, the time when I do write anime is when my insecurities hit me and it has been hitting me hard especially when my followers on YouTube are loving my channel the most. No idea why I would feel this way, but it has got me to return to my creative writing for my long-life writing, although technically I have always been writing. But I'm really been writing non-stop and I'm here to say that I'm going full on writing mode and that before this story of even any other story that's on my other account gets updated. I am fixing every plot-hole and character mistake in this story before anyone has a chance to read any further. I'm pretty sure you all know the feeling when you notice a mistake or two but when there's tons of them especially after you've been writing the same one for so many years than you definitely get annoyed that there's so much you have to deal with. So this is what I'm gonna be doing from start to finish before ANYONE ELSE sees it. I am fixing it! From the beginning all the way to its end. Let's hope it doesn't take me too long. Wish me luck and continue enjoying my other works!


Hi guys. I seriously did not realize that I was missing from Wattpad or any other social media that involved writing at all. I only noticed this because I recently noticed my writing style. Technically, its the change of how I organize and write the details of my characters' information status. It's very well-detailed and organized. Most of all, I'm actually going in order - that's the best part because I struggle to stay in order; I'm always hoping like frog but the fact that I'm starting from the starting line first is cool. So I'm gonna continue with writing the detailed information then I'll come back. See ya!


My heart is deeply hurt... There are two places I call home. The home in which I live in; although it's been a year since I moved to different one away from the one that I had spend 29 years of my life in. It still makes me feel so lost and empty. But a few hours ago, I received the worst news I could possibly hear so far this year; the movie theater in my town is shutting down; permanently... The second place I call home and the place that I always go to whenever I wanted to see a new movie; or even just to go to my happy place. Twenty-nine years I spend my movie adventures at my town's theater; I'm one of their loyal customers, willingly to spend about $100 or more each time I go. Only depending on who is going and what movie it is; but now, it's being taken away from me due to the arrogant people who have absolutely no respect for others and think it's okay cause trouble wherever and whenever they please. And thanks to streaming, they had to claim bankrupt- which is also why they're closing not just become arrogant people are absolutely immature and idiotic with their lives, but everyone prefers streaming more.