
Hey guys, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to just stop logging into this account in general. I'll leave my crappy books up and come back to check PMs and stuff, but that's about it. I want to take down my books, but I know I shouldn't because I know people are still reading them. So I'll leave them up. 
          	But um goodbye ♡


Hey guys, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to just stop logging into this account in general. I'll leave my crappy books up and come back to check PMs and stuff, but that's about it. I want to take down my books, but I know I shouldn't because I know people are still reading them. So I'll leave them up. 
          But um goodbye ♡


I will never understand why you guys enjoy my books on this profile, but I will forever be grateful for your guys' comments and votes, as well as for you guys taking the time to read them and add them to your reading lists. Everytime I log back into this account, you guys make me very, very happy with all the love you have shown me. I love every single one of you, thank you very, very much. 


Hey guys....My sequel to True Love? Maybe... Is officially discontinued. I was going to try and continue it, but I really don't think it's possible for me too. I'm sorry if this disappoints any of you, I just have no motive to continue the series. Thank you for understanding <3


You guys make me so happy. I wrote a crappy fanfiction forever ago, and I'm still getting people reading it, commenting on it, adding it to reading lists and just- UGH
          You guys seriously make me smile I love every single one of you who takes the time to read my crappy books <3
          Now I'm gonna go reply to random comments from forever ago because why not