
          	This is super random, but does anyone remember @Tess_Black from a couple years ago? She wrote a book called insane insomniac, a couple of PJO related things, and I think a zodiac a book. I’m pretty sure her user was @toskavolk for a little while, but now I can’t find her through either username. I was really trying to find one of her books. Please let me know if you know anything!! Thanks! 


          This is super random, but does anyone remember @Tess_Black from a couple years ago? She wrote a book called insane insomniac, a couple of PJO related things, and I think a zodiac a book. I’m pretty sure her user was @toskavolk for a little while, but now I can’t find her through either username. I was really trying to find one of her books. Please let me know if you know anything!! Thanks! 


Do you guys ever get sad because you decide to stay up until 1 in the morning reading over parts of your old works thinking "dam, these are some nice story plots. I wish I could finish them." 
          But then you remember that you've decided to try to dedicate yourself to fully finishing one book before going onto another because you can't handle multitasking book writing? 
          And you're happy with the book you're currently writing, but you were happy with the other books too and now you're just sad because you don't know what to do or which book to write so you kinda just sit there staring at your phone/laptop screen wondering what to do with your life because you've accidentally fallen into a pit of existential crisis? 
          Or is this only something that I do? 


Don't worry, I do this too. I accidentally fall into existential crisis' with my books all the time


My last full day in the United States..... I'm deleting Wattpad off my phone for space, but I'll respond to all messages once I get back :)
          <3 <3 <3


@ KittenDragon53  coucou … i ve done it !! It s 01:20 sunday night in France !! I ve translated " fun with washing " from RiverSong s little book for you before you delete !!
            Hug to Jinxy and Java 


@ KittenDragon53  Enjoy your trip !! Will miss you lots !!
            Big hug from RiverSong and me <3


Hello there...thank you so much for supporting my artworks...I really appreciate it..let me know which book you would want me to support..I'd be happy to give my full support..


Hello! And your artworks are very lovely, I'm glad that you decided to post them! :). And lol, you're already reading and enjoying The Girls of Once Upon A Time, and that's what I care about 