
Hello! i'm somewhat back, my tablet is still slow but I'm working on the next chapter of 'Funnehs secret' i've probably been working on it to a month and haven't reached a thousand words cause of my tablet -_- but! I'm going to be getting a phone for my bday which is less than a month away,  so i'm gonna try and get my account on there so i can write stories easier. Well that's all for now, bye! Also it's 6  am and i haven't been to bed yet •~•
          	Have a good day/night!


Hello! i'm somewhat back, my tablet is still slow but I'm working on the next chapter of 'Funnehs secret' i've probably been working on it to a month and haven't reached a thousand words cause of my tablet -_- but! I'm going to be getting a phone for my bday which is less than a month away,  so i'm gonna try and get my account on there so i can write stories easier. Well that's all for now, bye! Also it's 6  am and i haven't been to bed yet •~•
          Have a good day/night!


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my tablet is barely working and this is the first time in 2 weeks I have been on it :p my sister is letting me use hers and i would just use wattpad on there but i forgot my password (stupid forgetful me) so that's why I haven't updated. And if i'm not able to use wattpad in the next week I might die, not literally. Well hope I can remember my password soon, until then bye, have a good night/day.
          The suffering from no wattpad kitten-