Cats are the best, I only have two cats. I do swim with Swimmer519.  I'm totally obsessed with Harry Potter, I fan girl all the time with my friends, my favorite character is definitely Crookshanks or Lupin. Who else is totally sad that Fred Weasley died!!! *Fangirl tears*

Post this on your page if you think the cat on my background picture is super cute!
( • • )
That cat is my cat BTW she is the cutest cat in the world!

  • انضمMarch 4, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
Kitties777 Kitties777 Sep 21, 2014 11:01PM
Some of you may have noticed I deleted  Heroes of Olympus in high school, I didn't really like the plot of the story, but I'm gonna write another one at some point in time 
عرض جميع المحادثات

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