
Um okay 1k views? What?


Okay, so I may have had a very intense conversation with a friend that resulted in an extremely detailed timeline for a bnha AU and I may or may not be writing the first chapter.........I'm not gonna abandon the cannibal one tho, just exited about this new AU that I already drew concept art for.  So you can expect to see the new story soon, and a new chap for the old one. :)


Okie doki! To anyone that cares, I'll probably have the next chapter out by Friday, I'll have lots of time to write during the next few days because school is canceled due to it being hurricane season and....hurricanes. But I'll be on a bunch of pain killers and other meds so it might be a bit...interesting. I'll make sure to edit it. Thank you for following the development of Yandere-I mean I'm still human or whatever I named it .   :)


Hello! So I posted the new chapter for my fanfic and I plan to have the next chapter out by Friday. So ah yeah. : )


Actually I'm on 85, but I did start writing at 69.


@KittyDoseTrash :) ah yes to celebrate hitting 69 views