
@SeanLim9 hey :)


@Kmttriplett well i met this girl and we became good freinds and we talked and she helped me when i needed her and i helped her and we grew closer and we alwas acted like we were dating so one day i said we always act like we are dating and u know i like you so why not date and she said okay and we dated through out the last half of the summer we didnt live close and i didnt see her often but we always vid chatted till late hours txted all night and talked all the time it seem to going well. after the summer finished we started getting more busy with school and she wanted to break up saying she needed to focus in school i said okay and then after that i find out it was bc she couldnt handle the distance. she said she loved me still just being far from someone is just hard and then she told me she liked a guy from her school and i felt hurt but then the guy kinda liked someone else and then she got mad and stuff and then she had a freind who shes know her whole life im pretty sure doesnt care about her they dated for like 2 days and then broke up and i keep telling her that her so called freinds dont care enough and that i was the one who was always there when she needed it and the one who loved her and still does and the one who is always there so idk what todo. im just confused i love her. this is the back story sorry its so long 
          well lets see we were talking yesterday and she was talking about how boys make her mad and stuff and said not me and then said dont get me wrong ur an amazing guy i just dont wanna date and stuff then today she showed me a pic of some guy in her school i was like ? and then she replied he is gorgeous and then she said why cant he just like me not that hilary or whatever that hoes name is and yeah im confused this was yesterday and today


thx for the follow! did you follow because you read one of my books or just cause I looked like fun?


Hahaha sounds like a plan @littleblondi


@Kmttriplett alrighty then. I call my fans/followers my 'little freaks'  or my 'eager bananas'...I like 'little freaks' better. I hereby dub you 'little freak #83'


Both but I haven't read any of your books yet but I plan to