
@AsianBabe Haha. oh really? -w- Kekeke. Lol. Well, good luck if you are writing another story. :3


Hello everyone! I'm interested in learning Korean and have the very basics down, but is anyone willing to teach me more?
          What I know: Hello, Goodbye, Excuse Me, Thank You, I'm Sorry, a handful of words, basic+ Grammar, basic punctuation rules, and I have a love for the food, culture, geological area, and K-Pop! Any willing to help me out?


I'm Korean :) anyone else Korean?


안녕하세요, 저는 김하늘입니다. 나는 우리가 친구가 될 수 있기를 바랍니다. 
          Hello, this is Haneul Kim. I hope we can be friends.


@-hoseoqy 그래, 친구하자!


@-SUNSHWINES 여러분 안녕! 저는 올라-이고 인도네시아에서 왔습니다. 나는 진짜 다른 사람의 언어와 문화를 배우는 것을 좋아합니다. 그래서 .. 친구가되고 싶습니까?
            Hey, everyone! I'm Ola, and I'm from Indonesia. I really like to learn another's languages and cultures. So.. wanna be my friends?


          I hope you're doing fine.. Can you please checkout my aesthetic book (celeb°aesthetics) and give some feedback?
          Ps. It's not a book you have to read it's more of a picture book ❤️ don't forget to comment and vote that is if you like it