
Hi guys,
          	Quick update on writing progress. We found out my iPad was going to cost a fortune to fix (more than it’s actually worth) so it’s getting scraped. 
          	My laptop is due to come on Sunday but I’m away so I’ll get it set up Monday or Tuesday. I will still need to transfer files over so I am not publishing anything until the 3rd of June. After that a normal weekly schedule will resume. 


Hi guys,
          Quick update on writing progress. We found out my iPad was going to cost a fortune to fix (more than it’s actually worth) so it’s getting scraped. 
          My laptop is due to come on Sunday but I’m away so I’ll get it set up Monday or Tuesday. I will still need to transfer files over so I am not publishing anything until the 3rd of June. After that a normal weekly schedule will resume. 


Hi all,
          Got some bad news. As of yesterday, my iPad screen is completely smashed and I can’t use it.  So I can’t write for the foreseeable future. This means all my books are on hold until I get a laptop and/or my screen fixed.  
          Many apologies, 