
Wow I have been reading fanfiction for almost 4 years now. That's insane god damn. At this point you can very much call this an addiction with how I'm constantly reading something, even in class dude. I am failing like 5 classes bc I'd rather read about two gay nerds rather than understand mathematics... Not like trying to understand would work either, I still get distracted, so at least get distracted on something better than the classroom wall or the weird three the teacher wrote on the board that looks like a seven.
          	Anyways bye bye wattpad, you still give me nightmares. 


Wow I have been reading fanfiction for almost 4 years now. That's insane god damn. At this point you can very much call this an addiction with how I'm constantly reading something, even in class dude. I am failing like 5 classes bc I'd rather read about two gay nerds rather than understand mathematics... Not like trying to understand would work either, I still get distracted, so at least get distracted on something better than the classroom wall or the weird three the teacher wrote on the board that looks like a seven.
          Anyways bye bye wattpad, you still give me nightmares. 


EXCUSE ME I JUST GOT OUT OF SHOWER HOE DARE YOU SAY I STINK also are you my................sibling bc he's the only one next to me 


@YASSSKWWEN well maybe one shower just wasn't enough :) (this is a joke) (but maybe not?) (nope, def a joke, dw) (but what if its no. ) 


this message may be offensive
Yall ever get into a (online) (wattpad) fistfight w some dude who wrote rape in a book w 0 warnings, and tought it was okay to leave there, and then when asked about it all you get is "it was a very common request" and even their ugly ass sonic oc pfp friend comes to protect and help them even tho the person is clearly in the wrong and they then finnaly out a warning for the rape, but your still not done yet.
          So how has yalls week been?


            Better than yours apparently
            (Ik it's late but I'm bored)


So I went on AO3 to find more books about a ship I really got into just, nad honestly, it ahs wayy more and better books.
          Like a comment I wsaw once somewhere; Ao3 has the books, wattpad has the comments.
          Anywas i'mma go read the book I'm too akward to finish


So today I found out my dad is supportive of LGBTQA+! Only problem? I have no idea how to come out to them.
          I just tried like 10 mins ago, I tried mentioning its pride month and i wanted to order a genderfluid flag from amazon, but seems they have no idea what prise month is, because where I live, its barely celebrated! Now I just feel really upset, and have o idea how to come out to them. I tried, and failed— help ‍♂️


@KramerThe you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. You are an amazing person and I care about you!!!! Also if you want to cry, cry let your feelings out. Don't bottle them up and let them eat you (Nom Nom Nom).
            Good luck in advance and know that you don't have to rush anything. Just do it when you're ready. ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡❤️❤️❤️❤️


@IamFantasy_Nico dude- you're gonna make me cry— you're so fliping nice- <3333 *hugs back* also I think I'll just do that, but when I got the confidence to do so.. 


@KramerThe oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that it's so hard to get to them. Have you maybe tried to tell them (gay) straight that you're not cis and such? Maybe educate them more?
            I really hope that they'll understand and it'll all be alright so you won't have to deal with all that stress. You can always talk to me if you want, okay? *hugs you very tightly* ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


          I only realised now, that my dad's bday is also the first day of pride, and I think he is somewhat homophopic, so that's great lmao-
          But happy pirde yall!! I think on last day I'd school, ill paint my pride flags on my hands if I get the confidence to do so— HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!! YOURE VALID!!! <33


@KramerThe  I can relate, my fam pretends to support me but at the end of the day they're still homophobic, and then there's an argument of them telling me to search up what homophobic means-
            anywaysss ye Happy Pride Month!!


@KramerThe <3 <3 Happy Pride month!


Yall ever realise how while in your eyes, life is garbage, but when you think about it, it could be a lot worse. So basically, you have it as bad as can be, but you also cannot complain bc it's not that bad, like, it's still bad, but significantly less, like having bullies, but they don't get psychical(punching, tripping, kicking, etc), so it's just them throwing insults at you, and they also don't get punished bc there's no evidence. Pls tell me I'm not the only one that has this happen to them- :') 


@IamFantasy_Nico Why are you so sweet— Thank you!! <33


@KramerThe I totally get what you mean sweetiepie. I hope that the bullies stop soon sweetiepie. Try to not listen to them and ignore them.  Or fight back. Bullies need to be taught a lesson. *hugs you very tightly* ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️