
this message may be offensive
Hello to anyone who reads my books. I was wondering if I should make a book about Ventus, Roxas, Sora, Vanitas, and Xion as siblings and then a bunch of random shit happens or something. It most depends if its something you all would be willing to read. If you think I should can you give some title ideas? Thanks for actually reading this and have a good day!


this message may be offensive
Hello to anyone who reads my books. I was wondering if I should make a book about Ventus, Roxas, Sora, Vanitas, and Xion as siblings and then a bunch of random shit happens or something. It most depends if its something you all would be willing to read. If you think I should can you give some title ideas? Thanks for actually reading this and have a good day!


Hi. SO question of the day. (ha ha ha0 does anyone who read my books actually enjoy. I feel like I writing for nothing at this point my motivation to finish is draining. I want to know from you all and if you have suggestions to improve, then im open. That's all I have to say


Hello my readers.
          II like to discuss how I am going to stick to oneshot books. I suck at Full chapter books but short stories im good at. That doesn't mean im not going to complete my AkuRoku book, but I will focus more on OneShots.
               Good day!