
Spring cleaning, got rid of some of my fics no one was interested in here. However am starting a new fic based on the show Good Omens. Also for anyone who liked my Durarara fics, do not worry. They are not gone forever.  You can find the series right here  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14329998/1/Moriarty-the-Damned


Okay I am not stopping my fan fiction work. Just taking a break for a while. Hope you all don't mind, and please don't unfollow me. I promise to come up with more good fanfics later on. I am just busy working on a horror novel,and will be posting parts of it here. If any of you like horror please check out my story "Waking nightmares."


I apologize for being gone so long and not updating any of my stories. Please forgive me! >_<
          It's not like I forgot you guys or just gave up on writing. I became very ill during the beginning of this year and was just too tired to do much writing.Then by July I ended up in the hospital for two weeks,then ended up with in home nurses and chemotherapy. I had allot wrong with me including collapsed lung,water on heart and lungs,and failing kidneys. Not to mention some horrible skin rash that has now permanently scarred my legs and arms. :(
          I am still seeing doctors and getting tests done biweekly.