
          	I updated "Into the Inferno." I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time, but I have kinda hit a dry spell regarding my inspiration and motivation. Plus, school takes up (all) my time. I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll try!
          	Katy XX


          I updated "Into the Inferno." I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time, but I have kinda hit a dry spell regarding my inspiration and motivation. Plus, school takes up (all) my time. I don't know when the next update will be, but I'll try!
          Katy XX


Hey guys,
          I just got a laptop, so it's going to be easier for me to update (I was typing before on an IPad). I just finished my senior year finals, so I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands (although, I'm going to be away for 5 of the weeks of the summer...camp and vacation)
          Until then, which story do you want me to update?
          Thanks, guys!
          Katy XX


Hello all,
          I published a new story called, "Into the Inferno." It's a new take on dragons and the famous 'soulmates' concept.
          Also, I'm sincerely sorry for not updating any of the Moon Novels. I haven't been feeling it lately, because the first book is so poorly written, with so many clichés, a dull plot, and weak characters. With how much my writing has improved, and the fact that I'm really not that interested in the werewolf genre anymore (I still like it,but not as much as I'm used to), it's too hard to continue. So, do you all think I should take it down, or leave it up? I might update it someday....maybe not.
          Again, sorry for being absent- life and school have really taken their toll on me. I can see my head filled with gray hair in the not-so-distant future. 
          Thanks for reading!
          PS- do people even read these messages? I really don't. If you do, leave a message on my board! I'm curious as to how many people actually read this! 


I'm so sorry guys!
          I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, and that you haven't heard from me. 
          There's been a lot going on with my life lately- my dad hasn't had a job for more than 6 months, we found out he has prostate cancer and is getting radiation next week (it's only stage 1, but it's still scary), my grandma has been sick a lot, my mom is trying to find a job, I've been busy with musical and school (I'm a junior) and a WHOLE bunch of other things...so you see, I haven't abandoned you, I've just been very busy.
          Also, my iPad decided that it would be fun to delete ALL of my stories on pages, so now I have to use the backups, which don't include the nearly finished chapters that I had for you guys that I could have posted today because I'm sick. Yay.
          So, yeah. I'll update when I feel like rewriting all the lost chapters.
          Bye for now, and thanks for sticking by me!