
Can't believe I'm at 10.8k:O, all because of you guys! Thank you so much
          	And finally have a nice day:D


Hey peoples!
          Just wanted you guys to know I've edited all the chapters from Shadow Of The Vampire. Finally. But I've also added a few extra parts in each chapter. Hope you enjoy it. 
          Please let me know what you think.
          Love, Kya


Hello guys, 
          I know, it's been a while. Maybe  a little longer than a while. But just wanted you guys to know, yes I'm alive and no I'm not giving up, I haven't forgotten about my fans. 
          I may not have many but u guys mean a lot to me. 
          Starting this week I'm going to do some re-editing. And hopefully start updating regularly. However this may take some time. I suck I know. But it's for u guys. Once I finish the most popular story, since you guys want it. I'll update it at a timed schedule.  I hope this makes sense to guys if not I love u anyway. :D