
I made a career slide show on behavioral analysm. Its good


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You know what I was thinking the other day that would be sick as fuck, a Supernatural Criminal Minds cross over. Reid and Sam would be friends. Morgan and Dean would try to show eachother up. Cas JJ would probably socialize well together.
          I dont think anyone reads these. Oh well.


rossi and crowley would pour glasses of fine whiskey lol


          Could you please read my book betrayed and vote as well as commenting 
          It would be extremely helpful if you read my book and voted as well as regularly comments 
          If you could give me a shout-out in all of your books them it would be tremendously amazing and I would be honoured.
          Hope you can read, vote, comment and give me a shoutout


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Hello!!!! Its been too fucking long! I've been super busy with school and shit like that. I may or may not be writing a larry stylinson fanfic. Sorry for being m.i.a for millions of years


I just wanted to thank you all for the reads, my markiplier imagines are at 6.7K, crankgameplays at 21.1k, and my supernatural imagines at 3k I'm so happy you all read them and like them.
          I apreciate all of your views votes and comments. 
          I love you all ❤
          I'll see you in the next imagine 
          BUH BYE