
Hey! I saw that you read and voted on every chapter in Trust me last week and I had to say thank you for the time you spent reading. Also, I read some of your work out of curiosity and I think you're a really good writer! You should start up again, honestly. (:


I don’t think so, you’re just your biggest critique haha. Will definitely be on the look out for it! And thank you again! 


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@amourcodi hi you don't have to thank me haha it was a beautiful book and awe I'm flattered but-you don't have to haha the book is very cringe and cliche. But it's ok because I'm writing a new book. It's a fantasy fiction and I hope it won't be shit. Keep up the beautiful writing:)


          Just wanted to drop by and thank you for voting on my book, His Ink, hope you're enjoying it. If you have feedback, then I'm all ears. Please don't hesitate to give me your views ❤️


@Sree_Judith hiiii sorry I just saw this and didn't even know that this was a thing. And it was such an amazing book:)