
I apologize for vanishing/disappearing, I've been dealing with a lot and have been busy. I appreciate the patience, but I cannot guarantee I'll be back to writing/editing completely, again. I've only recently gotten hints of interest, but lack motivation. I haven't touched nor opened any of my books on Google Docs since August because of everything going on. I promise, I'm not giving up or quitting for those worried or concerned, I just have a lot happening that writing truly has not been on my brain.
          	Hoping I'll at least start getting back into it soon even if it's just a chapter or two! Until then I thank you all for the kindness, patience, and support you've given throughout this time. I read every comment and interact as much as I can where I'm needed/desired and reading your comments/responses are amazing and make me smile every time! Please, stay safe and lots of love to all of you <33


          	  I hope everything is ok with you 


I apologize for vanishing/disappearing, I've been dealing with a lot and have been busy. I appreciate the patience, but I cannot guarantee I'll be back to writing/editing completely, again. I've only recently gotten hints of interest, but lack motivation. I haven't touched nor opened any of my books on Google Docs since August because of everything going on. I promise, I'm not giving up or quitting for those worried or concerned, I just have a lot happening that writing truly has not been on my brain.
          Hoping I'll at least start getting back into it soon even if it's just a chapter or two! Until then I thank you all for the kindness, patience, and support you've given throughout this time. I read every comment and interact as much as I can where I'm needed/desired and reading your comments/responses are amazing and make me smile every time! Please, stay safe and lots of love to all of you <33


            I hope everything is ok with you 


Have you ever gotten a random DM from users claiming to be from a "growing platform," "A publisher," or someone promising to "promote your work" and all they say you have to do is just contact/email them? Well, have I got news for you! THIS IS A SCAM!! 
          An actual Publisher is NOT going to make a Wattpad account to contact you randomly. They are always going to do it professionally THROUGH EMAIL. If you aren't sure ask them important questions in DMs; 
          ~ What is your name?
          ~ How did you hear about my book?
          ~ Tell me what happens in "(Insert name of your book)"
          ~ What company do you work for?
          ~ Can you tell me more about your company and the pay?
          ~ Why are you contacting on Wattpad, shouldn't you be emailing me and not the other way around?
          If they DM YOU out of nowhere and talk about "promoting you" R U N. Do NOT email them!! It's a scam and they can and will rip you off and steal your work! This is just a money grab for them and your work deserves better respect!!
          And if you do get emails? Treat it like a DM and ask the above questions. Make sure you get the name of the company/platform/publisher AND DO YOUR RESEARCH. Read everything you can word-for-word. Don't send them any of your work without abso-fuckin'-lutely knowing for sure you've checked every crack and crevis of their existence so you know for sure your ass is covered!! If they can't answer your questions properly and professionally; DON'T SEND THEM ANYTHING!!


Exactly! So many scammers everywhere now. If it actually turns out to be legit, still do your research and read everything. 


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Random FunFactoid for you all; 
          My Fiancé's name is Lunar.
          My Fiancé and my character Lunar Floid are complete opposites. None of this was planned, either. 
          Lunar Floid is 5'4. My Fiancé is 5'11. Floid is very feminine and a femboy (He/him). My fiancé is Non-Binary (They/Them). Floid is VERY submissive and very much a bottom. Although my Fiancé does have a versatile and switch nature, they're more Dom/Top. Floid is a Regressor. My Fiancé is a Caregiver. 
          To top it all off? Lunar (Floid) isn't pronounced the same as Lunar (Fiancé), either! Lunar Floid's name is pronounced "Luh-Nor" while my fiancé's name is pronounced "Loo-Ner" 
          I have been trying to rack my brain over all this for the longest time and can't stop laughing because Castian ACTUALLY IS MARRYING LUNAR???? Like, how the fuck??? What is happening??? 


@ArtIficialDaisies It's so crazy, I know --- But Possession/Lunar Floid was created in 2020, my Fiancé and I didn't start dating until a year later and they were going by a different name and actually were not aware of my character at all until later on X,D


Freaky femboy more like freaky coincidences


Sorry for vanishing after saying I was coming back... God and Satan really went, "Ha, SIKE" and have had some things happen. Tankies for your patience. 
          I'm not going to go into detail about everything, but I hopefully will actually be back officially soon <3


@freaky_femboy dw happens to the best of us dude


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Also, I'm trying to take my time on writing/editing Possession. I know many have told me to do so, and I'm trying to listen. I'm just a workaholic with severe anxiety and fear of failure so when I get motivated/energy to write I do it until I'm shoved into writer's block. 
          I really hate that this shit happens, it constantly makes me feel like a disappointment. However, this time around I'm trying to just pace myself and not work until I can't... It's rather difficult, but trying my best. Though, Chronic Fatigue has forced me to have rest days so in a way I get rested from writing....even though I'm not happy about it. 
          I'm hoping to get a few chapters edited before I go to my fiance's house in two weeks, especially since Castian's birthday is on the Twenty-Fifth 




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If ya'll ever want or need a laugh listen to the A.I Audio  Book Reader thing Wattpad has on my books and just listen to them reading stuttering. It's the best thing in my life when I listen to it. I will never not love this shit, I swear.


I know Editing/Writing has come to such an abrupt halt and I'm immensely apologetic over it! I wasn't expecting my motivation to plummet so heavily, writing hasn't been the only thing it has bullied. However these last few weeks I've seen some heavy improvement with motivation, including interests with my books! I'm not pushing myself to write just yet, but the fact I've been able to clean my Depression Room for the first time in two/three years has been encouraging!! I'll be going to my fianceé's house for a week starting Sunday (their birthday is on Tuesday), so hopefully when I get back home I can test out Editing/Writing again!! I have missed it so terribly!!
          Though, I won't deny, having the break to collect myself and think of more/new/pending ideas has been really refreshing. I haven't been rushing to put things in and stuff, I've just been able to lay back and think more in depth of the planet my characters live on and I'm excited to bring it more to life in my books! 
          ALSO, don't forget; I have a Discord Server pertaining to my books if you're interested in joining!! You can socialize with other users and/or me, learn more about the books, characters, and even myself! You'll even get to see WIPs and/or Sneak Peaks of Books/Chapters and art of the characters within them! 
          Here's the Linkity Link;

          Though, if the link is inactive; just comment and I'll give ya a new invite link!!